Kristin Reihman

Hi! My name is Kristin. I am a board-certified family doctor, mother, and author with a special interest in complex, chronic, medically mysterious illnesses (which I will call CCMMI just to make things a little bit simpler).
Why is that my special interest, you ask? Well, as it turns out, in 2011 I myself became ill with a CCMMI. Lucky for me, just before I got sick I had the good fortune to meet a patient who had, you guessed it, her own CCMMI. She was in the process of teaching me all sorts of things about Lyme and Lyme co-infections that they don’t teach in medical school when I was bitten by a tick, developed a bulls eye rash, and descended into an illness that would forever change the trajectory of my life, not to mention my career. The rest, as they say, is history. Learn more about my story–including my recovery from Lyme disease–here.
There is a lot out there in the world of CCMMI, which can be both a good and a challenging thing for people when they are feeling sick. When my western medical background and approaches failed to get me well, I leaned into all sorts of non-traditional modalities, teachings, and protocols including naturopathy, herbal medicine, Autonomic Response Testing, oxidative therapies, and whole, real food nutritional practices. I can say without a doubt that I would not have recovered without these things. I started my own practice in 2012 as a way to share what I have learned—and continue to learn—about how to heal from a CCMMI. I even wrote an ebook on the topic, as a way to teach more people what I learned the hard way.

Because I use a whole-person, holistic approach with all my patients, I can support the healing and recovery from many CCMMIs. Looking at illness and suffering through the lens of complexity has helped many patients recover from things they were told would be with them forever, including:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Lyme
Mold Injury
Chemical Sensitivities
Food Allergies
And Many More!
If you are suffering from chronic, debilitating or simply annoying symptoms that have left you and your health care team stumped, I hope you will spend a little time on my site, learning about complexity, root causes, and a holistic approach. It might just provide the road map you’ve been looking for!
“What I really believe, is that if I had lived the life of such healthy habits that I practiced with Dr. Reihman while trying to cure the Lyme, perhaps I would not have gotten sick in the first place. Or at least, the Lyme would not have been as severe. Too little knowledge and action too late for that option! Now, I live in constant awareness of better health choices. And for that coaching and guidance, I thank you.”
“When I first came to Dr. Reihman, I had terrible pain in my joints. I felt like my wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles were on fire. Some times were worse than others. I went to physical therapy because I was in so much pain. I thought strengthening those joints would help. With some treatment from Dr. Reihman, I was able to clear up those symptoms. My head cleared up too. I felt less foggy and tired. I learned that Lymes and viruses in general can wreak havoc on the body. I know that any time my joints hurt, it’s the Lyme creeping back up. It’s something that will always stick with me, but I now know I have ways of making the symptoms less severe. Staying active and healthy certainly helps. Without the experience of Lyme disease, I never would have known a virus can be so debilitating. I thought viruses were something that can come and go quickly with some TLC. Lyme was much more difficult to tame. If I could give anyone a piece of advice, it would be if something feels off, talk to your doctor. You know your body. You know what feels right or wrong. Talk to an experienced doctor and don’t rest until you’ve found the core of the problem. Taking the time to find a solution to your illness and working through the process is worth the hard work because you will feel better. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Dr. Reihman is unparalleled in providing both compassionate care and an extensive body of knowledge in some of today’s most complicated chronic health conditions. She listens to her patients and meets them where they are in terms of offering health solutions. Her focus is to search for the true cause of your dysfunction allowing for true solutions to be utilized. These options often may eliminate the need for medications whose purposes more or less minimize symptoms and often lead to additional long term health risks.”
“Kristin is brilliant, and the most genuine person I have ever known. I trust her, no second opinion necessary.”
“Doctor Reihman was extremely influential in helping me put together a diet that truly works. I love the fact that she looks at Disease/illness from a Holistic approach. Before seeing her, I was shoveling all different types of antibiotics and prescriptions down my throat, which did Not help my chronic disease. Although I no longer live in Pennsylvania, I still implement what she taught me in my daily life.”
“She has a heart that is open to helping people in any way possible.”
“In my first treatment session, Kristin told me that she would never regret Lyme disease because it changed everything. At this stage in my treatment, I couldn’t grasp how my journey might unfold and was pretty sure I would be better off not ever having Lyme. I was scared and impatient with my symptoms; I had a life to get back to! There are many phrases that I replay in my head, even now, but one that stuck with me is that the goal of treatment was not to get me back to where I was – but to get me to my rock-star self. The road to recovery was not in a magical cure-all pill but a commitment to heal holistically – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Diet was a big one for me. I always thought I ate healthy but after transitioning to an anti-inflammatory/Paleo lifestyle, I began to see relief from many of my symptoms; not to mention shedding over 25 lbs! Learning how to manage my anxiety through different detox techniques was also pivotal in my healing from Lyme. Self-care was never easy for me; I was always more comfortable playing the nurturer. As a mother of two young daughters, I began to see the impact of my lack of caring for myself and this was not an example I wanted to set for them. I learned that asking for help is not a weakness but a strength. My journey is still in the making but having Lyme resulted in some necessary inner work that ultimately made me become a better version of “me” and for that I am extremely grateful.”
“As the spouse of someone dealing with Lyme Disease, I have come to realize how little is know about the disease and how difficult it is to obtain good treatment. After multiple doctor visits with specialists, all the while telling them that we thought he had Lyme, we ended up empty handed and frustrated. It was very difficult to navigate the system and I’m a healthcare professional! I thank God that He has given wisdom to doctors like Dr. Reihman to move beyond traditional thinking. I now realize how interrelated the diseases we experience can be with what we eat, work with, ingest, etc. Detoxing has been my husband’s best option once the Doxycycline stopped the symptoms. I also realize how important it is to support your partner and keep a perspective that the symptoms are the disease, and not anything personal. We are still on a road to healing for him, us, and our family but with God’s help we will come through this stronger and more committed to our personal health, our family and each other. A word of advice: you know your body, don’t settle for a doctor’s opinion. If you know something is wrong, keep pushing for answers.”
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